The first GPT-powered smart home platform developed by Josh AI


It was just a matter of time until generative AI entered the smart home, given how quickly it has taken over the artificial intelligence industry. JoshGPT has been formally introduced by, a home automation system for the connected home.

Josh, who claims to have the intelligence that your existing voice assistant lacks, is here to take the place of your smart home automation system as your all-in-one solution.

JoshGPT uses the same technology as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, enabling it to respond to more detailed inquiries and nuanced requests that Siri, Alexa, and Google Home cannot comprehend.

You may, for instance, pose the following query to Alexa or your preferred smart home assistant:

“Explain how TV screens work.”

But with JoshGPT, you can add variables like “Explain how TV screens work like I’m five” or “As if I’ve never seen one before.” 

Alternatively, you can ask Josh to do more than one item at once, such as three or four questions in a sequence, or you can customise shopping requests, activities, dining, and other general queries with details.

“ is delivering a supercharged assistant at home and on the go for our clients,” said Alex Capecelatro, CEO of, “as the first company to offer the convenience of hands-free access to generative AI.”

The system is a premium service that can only be installed by qualified technicians in customers’ homes and is said to cost between $4,000 and $14,000. Two location-aware Josh Nano and Micro microphones, a handheld Josh remote, and the Josh app are all included in the system.’s home automation system also gains additional Intelligent Areas with the release of JoshGPT for the general public, which will unite devices and rooms to provide a more individualised experience in the automated house. However, a large portion of this will require the installers to provide customization and setup.

According to Capecelatro, “We are pleased to introduce Intelligent Areas, System Setup, and Room Customization as cutting-edge features that represent the synthesis of feedback from our network of more than 1,400 certified dealers.”

The rooms and equipment for the Intelligent Areas will be configured by installers using the System Setup. Additionally, they will be able to set the start-up volumes for lights, blinds, and other devices as well as audio and video.